Monday, July 23, 2012

A little to catch up on...

I don't really have time to write this post right now but I'm going to see how far I get.  Because I know very well that if I don't stop myself in midair, I will never have time to do small things like updating my memory-keepers.

I'll start with the camping trip that I posted about last.  It was a blast.  Camping these days is hardly like camping as I remember growing up.  Roughing it no longer means sleeping with just a sleeping bag and the tarp-like tent floor between you and the earth.   For us, it meant no running water and no toilet.  Thank God we had comfortable beds and air-conditioning and electricity!  Because how did we ever function on "vacation" under those sleeping conditions?  THere is no way I could sleep like that anymore!  And the rest of my family that we camped with had all of our luxuries (from our one-room cabin) plus running water and toilets in their campers.  So like everything else, camping has changed.  But the games haven't.  We still played tag in the water, jumped off rafts and tubes, and swam in water we that we peed in.  Making memories just like we did when I was a kid.  Spending time with family and learning things about nature (like finding a baby rattlesnake by our cabin!) that can not be duplicated.  I'm so blessed to have these memories and share them with the people that mean the most to me!

And I have to save the triathlon and concert for another post....

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Family Camping Trip 2012 Trailer from Christy Pearson on Vimeo.

This was fun to make.  We got back from camping this weekend.  Had a blast.  Lots of memories.  Time well spent.  Not nearly as relaxing to come  home as after my last vacation.....  oh well!

If you like this, and have an extra 10 minutes of your day, and would like to see some EXCELLENT wipeouts on the tube, go to my Videos page and watch the Family Camping Trip 2012 video.  Thanks for watching!
