
Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I'm going to bed.  And I'm getting Owen out of his crib.  And putting him in bed with me.  I'm going to sleep with him next to me, touching my skin.  Because I can.  And because three years ago tonight, I had to go to bed without my baby next to me, but a brand new baby blanket instead.  Because I had to.  And it was a feeling I will never, ever, Ever forget.   I still sleep with that blanket, though it's not new anymore, next to my cheek exactly like I did that tragic, heart-wrenching night.

Thank you Owen, for being here.  Thank you Chase, for sending him to us.  Thank you God, for all my children.  And my husband.  Thank you.

Good night sweet boy.  Godspeed,  sweet dreams.



  1. I haven't been around much lately but I haven't forgotten you & Chase. (((HUGS)) to all of you.

  2. Such hard moments! Praying for your sweet family!!!

  3. No judement as I "hear" JJ in his room awake (but he is still sleeping soundly) just so I can bring him to bed with me and Snuggle and Enjoy! Absolutly Nothing is more heart wrenching than this night (except that night) XOXOXOOX - Brandy

  4. This brought me to tears. I think this is the perfect way for you to sleep. ((HUGS))
